VP Market Development Salary

VP Market Development Salary

Applying for a VP of market development you need to know the salary. So we will discuss the following information about the salary of VP market development.

How Much Is A VP Market Development Salary?

VP market development salary will be different in different companies. Some factors influence the salary of VP market development.

Such as experience, education, company size, and location. Based on a survey, the average market development manager’s salary is $116,854.

It is higher than the average market development manager’s salary of $98,970. According to survey data, the median market development manager salary is $106,919.

The following table shows the average market development manager salary in different regions. Here are some the area average of market development manager salary from the following:

  • New York $164,788
  • Los Angeles $137,214 
  • Chicago $129,257 
  • Dallas-Fort Worth $129,257 
  • San Francisco Bay Area $129,257 
  • Atlanta $117,973 
  • Washington DC $116,983 
  • Miami-Fort Lauderdale $108,423 
  • Boston $101,637 
  • Houston $82,032 
  • Seattle $97,298 
  • Phoenix (Mesa) $91,219 
  • Philadelphia $90,374 
  • Minneapolis-St Paul $88,531 
  • San Diego $85,005 
  • Pittsburgh $79,493 
  • Detroit $77,290 
  • Tampa/St Petersburg (Clearwater) $75,861 
  • Orlando (Deltona) $74,008 
  • Denver (Aurora) $71,383 
  • Milwaukee (Waukesha) $69,440 
  • Portland (Vancouver) OR/WA $68,338 

These are some regions on how much is the salary of VP development. Now let us discuss the different factors that affect the salary in detail.

Here are factors of VP market development salary from the following:


The culture of the company also affects the salary of VP development. The company’s culture is developed by its leaders.

That is why it is very important to find out the culture of the company. If the company’s culture is good, you will get a better salary.

Company Size:

The size of a company also affects the salary of VP development. If you work in a large company, you will get a better salary than working in a small company.

Because a large company is more profitable than a small company.


Experience also affects the salary of VP development. The more experience you have, the higher your salary will be. 

So you need to learn and be good at doing your job for a long time. You can apply for other positions to gain experience and ability. 

If you have more experience, you are likely to get more benefits from your employer. It’s always good to work in a high position for many years.

So that you can improve your spending ability and standard of living. But keep in mind that every year your salary will be reduced if you have been working for years.

Education Level:

Education level also affects the salary of VP development. If you have a bachelor’s degree in marketing or a master’s degree in business administration (MBA).

Then it means that your educational background is good enough to get a higher salary. Then those who only have a high school diploma or university degree.

Without majoring in business administration or marketing. But do not forget that having an MBA degree does not guarantee to get a higher salary.

It is because many factors affect the salary of VP development. Such as experience and location.

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